I could not disagree more with music legend Pharrell Williams when he says celebrities should stay out of politics.
Not only does politics impact celebrities too, regardless of their fame and/or socioeconomic background.
But what would the world look like if those with the biggest platforms and megaphones did not use their fame to make a difference in society.
Williams said, “I get annoyed sometimes when I see celebrities trying to tell you [who to vote for]. There are celebrities that I respect that have an opinion, but not all of them. I’m one of those people [who says], ‘What the heck? Shut up. Nobody asked you…
“When you get out there and get self-righteous and they roll up their sleeves and s**t, and they are out there walking around with a placard: ‘Shut up!’ So, no, I would rather stay out of the way, and obviously, I’m going to vote how I am going to vote.”
Read the full article here: https://www.regalmag.com/no-pharrell-williams-celebs-shouldnt-stay-out-of-politics/